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4462 HB Goes, Netherlands


+31 113 568515


High-temperature testing

Product testing


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High-temperature testing

High-temperature testing on valves can be conducted at temperatures exceeding 800°C to simulate operational conditions and demonstrate the suitability of selected materials and design for a specific critical application. During the tests, valves are protected against the danger of overpressure, which can occur due to gas expansion at increasing temperatures. Additionally, measures are taken to ensure that the maximum allowable temperature is not exceeded using our specially developed heating equipment. Our test technicians have extensive experience and are trained in conducting these tests.

High-temperature testing on valves offers several advantages and enables us to evaluate the performance of the valves under extreme operating conditions. These tests provide valuable insights into the characteristics of the valves. Some benefits and features of high-temperature testing include:

  • Reliability at high temperatures: High-temperature testing allows us to assess the performance and reliability of valves at elevated temperatures. This ensures that the valves can operate reliably under extreme conditions, preventing leaks and malfunctions.
  • Material resilience: High-temperature testing provides the opportunity to assess the resistance of the materials used to withstand high temperatures.
  • Sealing capacity: The performance of seals in valves is crucial at high temperatures. High-temperature testing allows us to test appendages for external emissions at elevated temperatures, preventing unnecessary leaks in practical applications.


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